Friday, April 1, 2011

what we know thus far

I wanted to get everyone up to speed on our little Lucas...

At my 20 week ultrasound, the OB noticed that Lucas' left kidney was distended.  At that point the Dr. didn't seem too concerned and we were just going to monitor it with ultrasounds since the fluid was fine around the kidney.  At 24 weeks, we had another ultrasounds and the left kidney still was distended.  At 28 weeks, the OB said it was now "normal".  At 34 weeks I had an u/s but never heard anything from the u/s.  I think since I had it done at the hospital in triage, but I am not for certain.  At 35 weeks, I asked my OB what I am supposed to do with the information I know about his kidney, she says to let the peditrition know at the hospital and he will most likely order a renal u/s of his kidney.  So after Lucas was born, I informed the peditrition at the hospital and he did indeed order an u/s.  At 11 days old, Lucas had his first u/s and it showed he has hydronephrosis.  What that means is the kidney size is fine, its the part inside that collects the urine is dilated or larger.  We were then referred to Dr. Auron who is a pediatric nephrologist (a specialist).  We had another u/s yesterday (March 31) at Blank and then met with Dr. Auron.  He stated that his condition is moderate and that he would like to preform two more tests so we can see exactly what is going on.  He did state that we could just watch it, but there might be a blockage (which one test will check for) and then other test will check to see if he has bladder reflux.  Both are invasive and he will be exposed to radiation.  The Dr. did reassure me that these are tests that they do all the time (even to little babies like Lucas).  The tests are going to happen in two weeks.  I am now just waiting for the hospital to call with the apt.  Dr. Auron said it will be a long day and then after the tests we will meet with him to see what the next step will be.  If Lucas does need surgery, Dr. Auron said he would refer us to the University of Iowa as there are only two pediatric urologists in the whole state and they are both there.  He also assured me that we would be in expert hands with either of these Dr.'s.  I am hoping and praying that we will not have to go down this road, but of course we will do what's best for our precious baby.

Any and all prayers are appreciated for our baby Lucas. 


steve and pam said...

Definitely, little Lucas and your family are in our prayers daily, Becky. Love you all.

Carrie said...

Tracy sent this to me yesterday! I will definitely keep your family, especially Lucas, in my praryers. We are in the process of packing and moving today...but let me know if you need anything...I am just a phone call away!