Monday, April 18, 2011

today's results

waiting for the VCUG to start
Today’s appointment in Iowa City went really well for Lucas.  We got to Iowa City around noon and checked into the hospital.  By 12:15 we were back for vitals and were sent down to pediatric radiology for another VCUG.  The test consists of placing a catheter and putting a fluid in the catheter so the Drs. can see if there is reflux (where the urine is going back up to the kidneys) and a blockage (as they thought they saw a blockage in his last VCUG).  This time was harder than the first time as I knew what was going to happen and it broke my heart to have my baby crying so much.  They also restrained him down, but this was so they could rotate him to get better pictures.  He did not like this AT ALL!  However, the Dr. got some really good pictures and our little Lucas did really well.  The test lasted about 15 minutes and when it was over we went back to the pediatric clinic to meet with Dr. Kieran.  Once we met with her, she stated that there is not a blockage and that he will not need surgery at this point.  Praise God!!  Our plan of action is as follows, we will continue on amoxicillin until he is two months old and then switch to a different drug.  This is to prevent any UTI’s from occurring.  He will also get ultrasounds of the kidney every 3 months, but we will be able to do that at Blank.  The Dr. wants his kidney monitored so the collection part of the kidney doesn’t get any larger.  If he gets a fever or the collection part gets larger, we will most likely have to go back to IA City where surgery could be a possibility.  Our prayers now turn to no UTI’s and that the urine reflux will rectify itself.  He has a grade 5 level of reflux in the left kidney and grade 3 in the right kidney.  The worst is 5, but I am thankful the Dr. has decided we can monitor it.  Basically she said it is common in boys and most outgrow it.  If he was a 4 year old girl, we would most likely need surgery immediately.  All and all we are happy with today’s appointment and just continue to pray his condition will rectify itself.

being a brave little baby
And here is a super cute picture of Jacob this morning after his donut.

Sunday, April 17, 2011


Yesterday we were all in the basement watching a little TV and the big boys were playing with toys.  Andrew was playing with these things called Kinecks (I am sure I am spelling that so wrong).  He says to John and me, I don't have all the pieces so I need to improvise.  John and I look at each other and ask him what does improvise mean?  He responds, when you don't have all the pieces you need to improvise.  Ok, so where did you learn that from?  Handy Manny he says.  LOL. We were pretty impressed that he used the word correctly in a sentence and knew how to define it.  I know that there are 8th and 9th graders who wouldn't have a clue how to use the word correctly.  Good job buddy!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Heading to IA city

Dr. Kieran's office called this morning and Lucas' appointment in Iowa City is scheduled for Monday at 12:15.  I have some questions for them as they want to do another VCUG.  I would rather not put him through this test if its not necessary since we just had it done.  However, if it needs to be done we will do it.  I just want to be sure. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Lucas' results

Today marked the day that Lucas had his two tests to see what was going on with his kidneys.  Lucas and I arrived at the hospital at 7:30 and checked in.  After we checked in we went down to radiology where they got an IV started and catheter.  Both were not a pleasant experience and poor Lucas screamed his little lungs out.  I did pretty well, but it was hard to watch my little baby be so uncomfortable.  After this we went to the waiting room where we were going to have the MAG 3 done.  At this point they said I could feed him in 10 minutes and to keep him awake.  So once I got to feed him he nursed for a half an hour.  I thought we were good as he fell asleep.  We got in the room and woke up and was acting fussy.  I thought he needed a burp, which he did and then we thought we were good to go.  The test lasted for 32 minutes and he screamed through majority of the test.  I felt so bad for him, but we made it and once I picked him he stopped crying and I got him calmed down.  After this we went back down to radiology where they preformed the VCUG test.  This test lasted 15 minutes and again he screamed through the whole test.  The radiologist noticed that he had reflux in both kidneys, but we waited to see Dr. Auron the specialist to see what our next steps would be.  John then met me in the lobby and we had our apt with Dr. Auron.  We looked at the pictures from both tests and he also noted that there is reflux in both kidneys and also a possible blockage in his urethra.  The left kidney has severe reflux and the right kidney has moderate reflux.  So our next step is to give him antibiotics so he doesn't get a urinary tract infection and we are being referred to Iowa City to the pediatric urologists there.  Now surgery is a possibility, but there is also the possibility that this is something he will be able to grow out of.  I am hoping and praying he will grow out of this, but am prepared for him to have surgery if that is what the Dr. says is needed.  We then went out to lunch and afterwards Lucas and I came home and crashed for the next 2 hours.  It was emotionally draining today, but I am thankful we are finding this out now as opposed to later.  The Dr. also brought up that its possible the other two boys could have reflux so our PA needs to check each boy at their next well child visit.  She will check them by checking their blood and a urine sample.  Please continue to pray for Lucas that the reflux will resolve itself and surgery won't be needed.

Today also marks Jacob's 23 month birthday!  Its amazing how much he has done in two years of life.  He is starting to say a lot more that we can understand.  He is working on colors and its so cute!  He is also working on potty training, way to go Jacob!  Hard to believe he is almost two years old.

Monday, April 11, 2011

5 weeks old and 34 years old

Today marks Lucas' 5 week birthday.  I brought him in for a weight check and he was up 13 oz to 8lbs 9 oz.  This brings me back to Andrew and Jacob and remembering that the size Lucas is now is about where each of the other two were at birth.  Andrew was 8lbs 10 oz and Jacob was 8lbs 6oz.  Our PA is happy with this gain and we won't need to be seen until his 2 month check up.  Tomorrow is also the big day for Lucas' two tests of kidney function.  I have to be at the hospital at 7AM and then he will get an IV and catheter.  At 9 AM he will have the MAG 3 test where he will have the drug put in his IV (which should hopefully be in his arm) and then lay on a table where they will take pictures of his kidney.  The told me the test should take 32 minutes.  After that we go to another place in the hospital to have the VCUG test done and get the catheter out.  Then we will meet with our specialist Dr. Auron to see what the next steps will be.  I will make sure to get everyone posted of the results.

Today also marks John's 34th birthday!  I want to wish him a very happy birthday and hope he has a great day.  I wish he could be home with Lucas and me today, but duty calls.  John is such a wonderful husband and father.  I am so blessed to have him in my life.  Happy birthday honey!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy 1 month birthday!

Thursday April 7th was Lucas' one month birthday.  Its hard to believe a month has past since his birth.  When I am pregnant, I can hardly wait for it to be over because first off I really don't like being pregnant, but more importantly, I really want the baby to get here.  However, its amazing how much joy little Lucas has brought to our family.  He is such a little mister, we all love him so much.  On Monday we go in for another weight check.  Our Dr. wasn't totally pleased with his weight gain, so I have been bottle feeding him with pumped milk and honestly its going really well!  I enjoy nursing, but with bottle feeding I know exactly how much he is getting.  I still do nurse, but am totally ok with the bottle.  We want to thank all who are praying for Lucas as his apt is coming up quick.  I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason so mine is not to question, only to accept what God has given us.  He is a great God and maybe Lucas is going through this to help John and I work on patience or to teach the Drs. something about his condition that will help other babies and children in the future.  I know He will take care of Lucas and has brought this special angel to us.  We are thankful for Lucas in our family. 

On another note, Jacob has been doing really well with potty training.  Generally when I ask him, he will go and he is even beginning to tell us when he has to go!  He is going at daycare too, so we are getting closer!!  Since Sunday, we haven't changed any diapers as he goes on the potty!!

Andrew also continues to be our BIG helper.  He wants to help with the baby and even fed the baby a bottle.  He will also help with Jacob when I need him to.  He is such a great guy!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Jacob's big news and update on Lucas

When I got home from the hospital about 4 weeks ago, Jacob decided he wanted to start potty training.  I went with it, but didn't push him.  Well, this past Sunday, he went a lot of #1 on the potty!!  Its bee pretty exciting and he is doing pretty well.  Since he and Andrew are at daycare during the day, I did let daycare know and they are trying with him there too.  I don't want to get my hopes up since the little guy isn't even 2, but I am going with it :-)

On another note, Lucas appointment is scheduled for April 12 at 7:15 at Blank.  His MAG 3 (this is the one that takes a picture of his kidney to see if there's a blockage, he will need an IV) starts at 9 and the VCUG (this checks to see if he has bladder reflux and will have a catheter inserted) will follow at 10.  I will get to be with him the whole time so I feel better about that.  Then at 11 we meet with our specialist Dr. Auron to see what the next steps will be.  Please prayer for our little Lucas that the tests will go smoothly and we will get some answers as to what is going on with his kidney.  I am really praying we can just watch his kidney and not have surgery.  Also, he weighed 7lbs 13 oz yesterday (Monday).  Our PA was ok with his weight gain, but wants us to come back in a week as she would prefer to see an ounce a day.  I decided to pump and give him a bottle and he took a 3 oz bottle.  Total I pumped 12 oz, so I know he is getting enough he just gets a little lazy during his feeds :-)

Friday, April 1, 2011

what we know thus far

I wanted to get everyone up to speed on our little Lucas...

At my 20 week ultrasound, the OB noticed that Lucas' left kidney was distended.  At that point the Dr. didn't seem too concerned and we were just going to monitor it with ultrasounds since the fluid was fine around the kidney.  At 24 weeks, we had another ultrasounds and the left kidney still was distended.  At 28 weeks, the OB said it was now "normal".  At 34 weeks I had an u/s but never heard anything from the u/s.  I think since I had it done at the hospital in triage, but I am not for certain.  At 35 weeks, I asked my OB what I am supposed to do with the information I know about his kidney, she says to let the peditrition know at the hospital and he will most likely order a renal u/s of his kidney.  So after Lucas was born, I informed the peditrition at the hospital and he did indeed order an u/s.  At 11 days old, Lucas had his first u/s and it showed he has hydronephrosis.  What that means is the kidney size is fine, its the part inside that collects the urine is dilated or larger.  We were then referred to Dr. Auron who is a pediatric nephrologist (a specialist).  We had another u/s yesterday (March 31) at Blank and then met with Dr. Auron.  He stated that his condition is moderate and that he would like to preform two more tests so we can see exactly what is going on.  He did state that we could just watch it, but there might be a blockage (which one test will check for) and then other test will check to see if he has bladder reflux.  Both are invasive and he will be exposed to radiation.  The Dr. did reassure me that these are tests that they do all the time (even to little babies like Lucas).  The tests are going to happen in two weeks.  I am now just waiting for the hospital to call with the apt.  Dr. Auron said it will be a long day and then after the tests we will meet with him to see what the next step will be.  If Lucas does need surgery, Dr. Auron said he would refer us to the University of Iowa as there are only two pediatric urologists in the whole state and they are both there.  He also assured me that we would be in expert hands with either of these Dr.'s.  I am hoping and praying that we will not have to go down this road, but of course we will do what's best for our precious baby.

Any and all prayers are appreciated for our baby Lucas.