Monday, March 28, 2011

3 weeks old

Its hard to believe that Lucas is three weeks old today!  I was going to blog on Saturday the 26th as that was my due date :-)  I was at a friends baby shower and thought it was humorous that I had an almost 3 week old at home and here I was not pregnant on my due date.  However, I am one who has never seen a 39th week of pregnancy.  Lucas currently weighs 7lbs 8 oz.  When he was born he weighed 7lbs 3 oz and in the hospital he went down to 6lbs 12 oz.  Friday I decided to bring him in for a weight check just to see how my little man was doing.  He weighed 7lbs 5 oz, and I was happy with that, but our PA didn't think that was enough and wanted to do another weight check today (Monday).  Like I mentioned he now weighs 7lbs 8oz and she is happy with that weight gain over the weekend and we will re-check in a week. 
I have learned a lot about breastfeeding and pumping over all three of my kids.  With Andrew I didn't know what I was doing, with Jacob, felt more confident, and with Lucas, I feel like a pro!  I am actually bf and pumping simultaneously and pumping about 20oz a day.  I am filling up our freezer nicely, which means I need to start using more of the food I had frozen :-)  Speaking of food, we have not had to cook (except pizza one night) since we have been home from the hospital.  Our friends and neighbors have been extremely generous in bringing meals over to the house.  It has been so awesome.  Adjusting to life with a newborn is just that an adjustment.  So not having to worry about cooking has been great!  Thanks again to all that has brought us a meal!
Another thing I want to mention about Lucas is his left kidney.  When I was 20 weeks pregnant, my OB noticed that is left kidney was distended and that we neede to monitor it over the next could ultrasounds.  So I had an ultrasound at 24 and 28 weeks and at 28 weeks the Dr. (a different one than initially) said all looked normal.  I had another u/s at 34 weeks,  but never heard anything since I had the u/s in triage at the hospital.  I mentioned something to my ob at my next apt and she said to mention it to the peditrician after we had him.  So I did and the Dr. got the radiologists report from 34 weeks and it was still distended.  So on the 18th I brough Lucas in for an ultrasound of his kidney and bladder and was told he has hydronephrosis and it appeared to have a blockage of some sort in the left kidney.  When I got the report it said it was moderate, so it may be something they will just watch.  On the 31st we meet with the nephrologist Dr. Auron so we will see what he says.  We will also have another ultrasound before we see the Dr.  At this point I am not sure how I feel.  I know that the Dr.'s and medical facilities around DSM are just great so I will see what Dr. Auron says on Thursday.  I will make sure to post how everything went.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Two things:
1. I hope the visit to the kidney doc goes well!
2. You're pumping 20 oz a day!?!?! You are amazing. Wow. I'm speechless. I should take lessons from you. Even with baby #2 I'm still in just-staying-afloat stage!