Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Weekend party and the week so far...

This past Saturday we celebrated Jacob's first birthday!  We had friends and family over for his party and it was just awesome.  Jacob REALLY got into his cake and was covered head to toe in frosting.  It was a beautiful day on Saturday, so we were able to enjoy the outdoors, which was nice.  It still blows my mind that a year has past since Jacob's birth.  He continues to be such a joy to us.  Jake also had his one year apt on Tuesday and weighed 21.5 lbs and was 30.5" tall.  We are surprised he doesn't weigh more, because the lil' man CONSTANTLY eats!!  But our PA said that's normal since he is walking and so active.  He also got three shots.  I always hate that part, but know that it is necessary for him to remain healthy.  He cried a bit, but was really brave.

Tuesday afternoon Andrew was complaining about not feeling well, and sure enough he had a slight fever.  This morning (Wednesday) he still had a fever when he woke up.  Since he can't go to day care, I get to stay home with both boys :-)  He seems to be doing better now as he is playing and not complaining as much, but I am glad I kept him home. 

John also got home Tuesday night from his work trip to NYC.  He had a great trip, but we are glad to have him home.  We really missed him a lot.  When John went to get Jakey out of his crib this morning, he looked up at John and said da da.  So darn CUTE!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Jacob Matthew Haase

Jacob May 12, 2009
Its hard to believe that a year has past since my baby was born.  It just seems like yesterday he was a tiny little guy cuddling in my arms for the 1st time.  Its been an amazing year to have him in our lives.  He is such a joy.  Some of Jacob's favorite things to do is lay down on his couch and "relax", eat, dance, play with his big brother, laugh, and run away from us when we chase him.  Jakey's laugh is just awesome.  It is one of the most amazing sounds that I hear on a daily basis.  Since today was his real birthday Saturday is the big birthday party.  We have a busy next couple days, but I can't wait to celebrate his party and have a bunch of family and friends over!  Happy Birthday Jacob!!!

Jacob May 12, 2010

Monday, May 10, 2010

Busy and fun weekend

We had quite a fun and busy weekend!  Saturday started the day with Andrew sleeping in and Jakey and I making a cake for my co workers son's graduation party.  It was an oreo stuffed chocolate covered cake.  It was delish.  If I was thinking I would have taken a picture.  I guess that means I need to make it again.  Then I ran some errands and went to the graduation party.  It was a super nice party and had nice conversation.  We then went down to Tulip Time in Pella.  We got to meet up with grandma and grandpa Haase and watched the parade, saw Uncle Paul, and ate many delicious Dutch treats.  Awesome.   Sunday was great!  My gift, OK besides the flowers and stuff from my favorite spa, was a 2 1/2 hour nap.  NICE!  It was fabulous.  We then went to dinner in Ames at Valentinos.  Again delicious.  So the amount of calories I consumed this weekend was ridiculous, but oh so worth it! 
So its back to work today, ho hum.  However, only 2 more Mondays!!!  AND a month from yesterday I will be in Charleston with two of my bestest girlfriends for a girls only weekend!!  WOO HOO.
Another fun thing, my friend Amy is due in September with her second baby!  She has a girl right now, and is running a contest on her blog to see who can guess what the sex of this baby is.  I think its going to be a girl. But whatever she has, I am sure will be as perfect and cute as Miss Lilly is.  Congratulations again Amy and Dave!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

April milestones

This month there have been quite a few milestones for Mr. Jacob.  He has been walking since 10 months, but excusively for the past week.  A week ago Saturday he had his first haircut and went from baby to big boy in about 15 minutes.  On Wednesday, Jacob had his last bottle at home and last at daycare on Thursday.  Hard to believe he will be a year in 10 days!  Where does the time go? 

Andrew continues to be a determined 3 1/2 year old.  He is becoming more independent and continues to be a big helper around the house.  He also has quite a sense of humor and doesn't forget much. 

The boys are starting to play together more.  Jacob tries to copy all that Andrew does (good and bad LOL) but its so fun watching them interact with each other.  Andrew can make Jacob laugh and its so darn cute.  We are very blessed to have these two cuties in our life!