Friday, April 8, 2011

Happy 1 month birthday!

Thursday April 7th was Lucas' one month birthday.  Its hard to believe a month has past since his birth.  When I am pregnant, I can hardly wait for it to be over because first off I really don't like being pregnant, but more importantly, I really want the baby to get here.  However, its amazing how much joy little Lucas has brought to our family.  He is such a little mister, we all love him so much.  On Monday we go in for another weight check.  Our Dr. wasn't totally pleased with his weight gain, so I have been bottle feeding him with pumped milk and honestly its going really well!  I enjoy nursing, but with bottle feeding I know exactly how much he is getting.  I still do nurse, but am totally ok with the bottle.  We want to thank all who are praying for Lucas as his apt is coming up quick.  I firmly believe that everything happens for a reason so mine is not to question, only to accept what God has given us.  He is a great God and maybe Lucas is going through this to help John and I work on patience or to teach the Drs. something about his condition that will help other babies and children in the future.  I know He will take care of Lucas and has brought this special angel to us.  We are thankful for Lucas in our family. 

On another note, Jacob has been doing really well with potty training.  Generally when I ask him, he will go and he is even beginning to tell us when he has to go!  He is going at daycare too, so we are getting closer!!  Since Sunday, we haven't changed any diapers as he goes on the potty!!

Andrew also continues to be our BIG helper.  He wants to help with the baby and even fed the baby a bottle.  He will also help with Jacob when I need him to.  He is such a great guy!!

1 comment:

steve and pam said...

You can tell that Lucas is growing - I thought each baby is different and grows at his/her own rate. The older two sure look like they love their little brother. Isn't it amazing how easily another child fits right into the family?? Love you guys.