Monday, April 11, 2011

5 weeks old and 34 years old

Today marks Lucas' 5 week birthday.  I brought him in for a weight check and he was up 13 oz to 8lbs 9 oz.  This brings me back to Andrew and Jacob and remembering that the size Lucas is now is about where each of the other two were at birth.  Andrew was 8lbs 10 oz and Jacob was 8lbs 6oz.  Our PA is happy with this gain and we won't need to be seen until his 2 month check up.  Tomorrow is also the big day for Lucas' two tests of kidney function.  I have to be at the hospital at 7AM and then he will get an IV and catheter.  At 9 AM he will have the MAG 3 test where he will have the drug put in his IV (which should hopefully be in his arm) and then lay on a table where they will take pictures of his kidney.  The told me the test should take 32 minutes.  After that we go to another place in the hospital to have the VCUG test done and get the catheter out.  Then we will meet with our specialist Dr. Auron to see what the next steps will be.  I will make sure to get everyone posted of the results.

Today also marks John's 34th birthday!  I want to wish him a very happy birthday and hope he has a great day.  I wish he could be home with Lucas and me today, but duty calls.  John is such a wonderful husband and father.  I am so blessed to have him in my life.  Happy birthday honey!


Jodi said...

Happy Birthday John!!!

Becky - I am praying that Lucas's test go well tomorrow. I know it's going to be hard to see him go through the testing but just remember he's a strong little guy! If you have time tomorrow night, give me a call or send me a quick email to let me know how things turn out and what the next steps will be.

I'm praying for all of you especially sweet Lucas!
Love you!

Jodi Rae

steve and pam said...

Happy Birthday to you, John!! Love you bunches, and we also will be praying for you guys tomorrow, especially little Lucas.