Monday, June 27, 2011

follow up with the specialist

Hard to believe its been almost two weeks since I brought Lucas to the specialist in Des Moines.  When we had went to Iowa City Dr. Kieren had said she wanted ultrasounds of Lucas' kidney every three months.  We are happy to report that everything thing went great!  Lucas is gaining weight!!  He weighed 13lbs 6oz!  I also told Dr. Auron before he even said anything about how the ultrasound went, that I noticed I was changing a lot more pee diapers.  He stated that the left kidney is stabilized and the right kidney looked better!!  This was great news because if things weren't getting better than surgery would be a stronger possibility.  Lucas also gave a urine sample and all checked out well with that.  He was supposed to give a blood sample, but after two pokes he was not a happy camper and this momma was tired of her baby crying so hard.  We did go back two days later and he gave a blood sample with the first poke!  All and all Lucas is doing great!  He is taking Bactrim every night to prevent a UTI and he takes that medicine really well.  He also sleeps 11 hours a night, which makes him the best sleeper of the three boys!  Hard to believe he is almost 4 months old.  Where has the time gone?

I also have to mention that Jacob is doing pretty well potty training.  Pee pee is pretty easy, but he isn't consistent with poopy.  So I keep on trying. 

 Andrew also had a wonderful week at vacation Bible school a few weeks back.  He also has been working on a loose tooth for a little over a week.  Its now on the point of hanging on by one thread, but he's too scared to pull it out.  I just hope he doesn't swallow it like his aunt Becky did (or so I am told by grandma Pam) :-)

Saturday, June 4, 2011

single parenthood

I have always thought how hard it would be to be a single parent.  I feel blessed that I have such a wonderful husband who is also the best dad one could ask for.  I have gotten a taste of single parenthood this week while John and a couple buddies went up to the Black Hills on a motorcycle trip.  Yes its busy being home with a 4, 2 and 3 month old, but it honestly has been better than I thought it would be.  In the sense that I would fall apart with the stress of three little ones at home all day long by myself. 

My three boys!
The boys have been GREAT!!  Andrew is a HUGE help to me.  He has really stepped up as "man of the house" this week.  Helping me with his brothers or with other little chores I need him to do.  Jacob has also been very cooperative this week, which blows my mind.  He is usually quite the stinker, but this week he has been a model two year old (enter Twilight zone music here).  And Lucas, well he is pretty much the BEST baby in the world.  He sleeps AWESOME (hopefully not jinxing myself), eats well, plays, smiles, repeat.  God has truly blessed our family with a great last baby.  To prepare myself for being along for nearly 6 days I have kept a pretty jammed packed schedule. 

Lots of playdates and company has been wonderful for us.  The Schwendinger's came down from MN on Thursday and spent the night and then played most of the day on Friday.  Along with our friends the Hall's who came over Thursday for a BBQ and play time.  The weather has also cooperated so we have been able to get outside and wear my boys out!
the four big kids: Theo, Andrew, Jacob, and Ayla
 And I am not going to lie, TV has also been a good distraction.  I am not too proud to say that my kids watch TV and its a way to distract them and pass the time (and a bribe tool!).  Today (Saturday) my friend Amy and her two boys (her hubby John went with my John on the Harley trip) are coming over to play and have a sleep-over.  Should be a fun afternoon and evening!  Sunday we are heading up to Boone to see John's grandpa Bud, sister Becky and her family, possibly John's sister Sarah and brother Paul.  John should be home sometime around noon on Monday.  We are having a pretty good time just the four of us, but we do miss John a lot and really look forward to him coming home on Monday.  I commend all the men and women who are single parents and feel blessed that I have someone to take this crazy ride with me known as parenthood.  Love you babe and we hope you had a wonderful time in South Dakota!!
John and John ready for their ride to the Black Hills