Thursday, November 10, 2011


I have found that I am not a clever blog title updater.  I just don't have the energy or cuteness to come up with titles it seems.  So since it's Thursday, I thought, hey let's call this blog post Thursday (it's like Billy Madison said I wanted to color the duck blue because I've never seen a blue duck).  ANYWAY!!!  Here is the latest on our kiddos:
Andrew is scheduled for surgery in DSM on November 30th.  So now its the waiting game for that.  We also have an ENT apt for him on the 22nd to get his ears checked out in case he needs tubes again.  We have been watching this for awhile and I hope he won't need surgery again for this either.

Jacob: We meet with the ENT on the 22nd as well to see the status of his tubes.  So we will know (maybe) at that point what we will do about his ears.

Lucas: We are going to MN to meet with a specialist there December 6th and then December 29 we have an apt scheduled in Dallas to meet with the specialist there.  At that point we will decide who we will go with and when we will preform surgery. 

So that's the latest.  I am so ready for Thanksgiving.  I hope to relax, drink a beer, and maybe squeeze in a nap.  Oh and eat some turkey, but that comes after the nap.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

Keeping you in my prayers, Becky! I know that my friend Brianna would love to chat/debrief with you about Lucas if you ever want a second mom's opinion. She asked about you the other day.
