Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday Jacob Matthew Haase

Jacob May 12, 2009
Its hard to believe that a year has past since my baby was born.  It just seems like yesterday he was a tiny little guy cuddling in my arms for the 1st time.  Its been an amazing year to have him in our lives.  He is such a joy.  Some of Jacob's favorite things to do is lay down on his couch and "relax", eat, dance, play with his big brother, laugh, and run away from us when we chase him.  Jakey's laugh is just awesome.  It is one of the most amazing sounds that I hear on a daily basis.  Since today was his real birthday Saturday is the big birthday party.  We have a busy next couple days, but I can't wait to celebrate his party and have a bunch of family and friends over!  Happy Birthday Jacob!!!

Jacob May 12, 2010


The Wehrspanns said...

I'm so glad you told me you were blogging again -- I had to read all the past posts to "catch up"! :)

The boys look great. We will miss you on Saturday! Have a super Happy Birthday party, Jacob!

Amy@My Front Porch said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe he's one already! Seems like just yesterday I was bringing you a meal and snuggling with that little newborn!!