Wednesday, April 7, 2010


I have many questions in life.  Most recently, why did I decide to start this blog back up?  First off, is my life really all that interesting to share blatherings of it on the Internet.  My hubs would say no you're boring, (thanks dear).  However, I love reading other people's blogs and thus my decision to start mine back up was made.  I have tried to make it more eye catching, if you will, but I am still a rookie when it comes to this kind of thing.  Its like decorating my house, I am not too good at that.  I just don't do cutesy.  I would love to, but honestly, if I could, I would hire someone to implement cutesy, warm, fuzzy into my home.  However, with two small boys, I can't have things on end tables or within arms reach because it will be broken.  Bare minimum thank you.  So I will continue to admire from afar all the cutesy things people do in their home and someday, my cutesy will come. 

1 comment:

Amy@My Front Porch said...

Yay Becky! I didn't know you ever had a blog, but I'm so excited you're starting to post on it again! I love keeping up with friends this way and for the record, I DON'T think you're boring :)