Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Big News!

Well we have finally made it public...Andrew and Jacob are going to have a baby brother or sister!  I am 12 weeks along and so far so good.  After what happened last March when we lost the baby and I could have lost my life, things have certainly turned around.  So to answer the usual pregnancy questions that one gets when people find out that you are pregnant here ya go:
How are you feeling?
pretty sick, but I am not complaining as this is a good sign and I am actually hoping that since my first trimester is over, things will turn around.  Usually by 12 weeks, the morning sickness (or in my case all day sickness) usually subsides.  Yes I also did feel the same with the boys so I know it will pass :-)

Are you going to find out what you are having?
We did not with the boys, but I told John I could be persuaded either way.  This has been an emotional year, and I feel so blessed that we were able to get pregnant again and pretty quickly after the loss of the baby, so I wouldn't mind knowing this time.  It is actually up to John if we are going to find out this time.  As of today, he wasn't sure.  I already warned him that if its a girl, the nursery is turning ALL PINK!!!

Have you picked out names?
We have our girl name picked out, well about 98% sure but that could always change.  Boy names are a lot harder for us this time.  Andrew was a no brainer because I have always loved that name and knew when I had a boy that would be his name.  Jacob was easy too because we loved that too.  If this one's a boy we can't agree on a name yet so if you have any ideas (for boy or girl names) we would love to hear them.  One name I have ruled out is Frank.  To sign our Christmas card Andrew, Jacob, and Frank did that name in for me! LOL

When are you due?
I am saying March.  Being that I have two kids that didn't wait until their due date, and its really more of a guide for Drs. in my opinion, I really don't want to say an exact date.  Let's say I am hoping I go the week of spring break (sometime the week of March 14).

Will you go back to work or stay home?
I will be going back to work after my leave is up.  With being a teacher and having a March baby, my baby will be 5 months old before I go back to work.  I feel that I have the best job in the world (for several reasons) to be a working mom.  How many other jobs do you get every holiday, spring break, and the summer off?

I have to say with the third baby I am showing a lot more quickly that I did with the boys.  But it makes sense since my body has been here before and already knows what to do so it does it a lot quicker. 

Some other big changes in our home are the boys started new day care after Labor Day.  We decided to go with a day care center as we needed more reliability than an in home.  The in home has been great, but so far the boys seem to be adjusting well and are liking their new day care.  Andrew also started pre school at our church.  He does get preschool with the center, but we wanted him to have the experience at our church as well.  He really is loving it and can't wait to go back.


steve and pam said...

YEAH!! We just pray for a healthy baby, and you know grandparents can love either a girl or a boy just as easily! Congratulations, Becky and John! Glad the boys are adjusting to their new daycare center easily.

Amy@My Front Porch said...

SO excited for you!! It was good to see you at the school today!

Oh, and by the way, here's a link to an article about freezer cooking:

In it she lists a bunch of articles you can read to get ideas of what to do and stuff. Hope it's helpful!!