Wednesday, February 14, 2007

more smiles

Here are some smiles I caught on camera yesterday!


Nick, Kari and Anna said...

Hi John, Becky and Andrew,

We love the pics! Andrew has gotten sooo big! We have to get together again to hang out. Hopefully you got Nick's 30th birthday invite for the 23rd. We hope you can make it. Hope Andrew gets to feeling better. It's been going around. Our new neice, Maggie had rsv about 3 weeks ago. So the crud is going around. Get better big guy. Hugs and Kisses from The Nalevanko's

steve and pam said...

What a smile! Love you all.

Rhoda Baldwin said...

John and Becky, your lives must just explode with joy each morning when Andrew looks at you with those HUGE, beautiful eyes!

Andrew, you are a KNOCK-OUT! Your long eyelashes remind me of Cousin Silas' -- must be a Haase trait, 'cuz I haven't noticed it on the Wehrspann side.

Hope to see all of you in Jesup sometime after we retire back there this summer.