Hard to believe but Jacob officially turned 2 on May 12 and Lucas turned 2 months on May 7! Where has the time gone? Time flies when you are having fun! Lucas had his 2 month well child and weighed 10 lbs 13 oz, and at this time he was switched to Bactrim. He will be on this till he is 1 year old (or so I suspect). He goes for his ultrasound of his kidney June 14 so we pray that his body keeps healing itself.
Jacob had his 2 year well child today and all checked out well with him too. He weighed 28 lbs and is in the 50% for his height, weight, and head circumference. He had tubes put in back in January and on May 1st ended up getting an ear infection. Then last Friday he broke out in hives. This was a new experience in our household. So the Dr put him on prednisone as needed. I am so ready to have all my kids off of medicine!! As of today (Tuesday the 17th) his skin looks the best it has looked. Our PA suggested putting him on Claritin or Zyrtec as he most likely has allergies. Since I have allergies, this doesn't surprise me in the least.
Andrew and Jacob also were checked for any kidney function issue. They both had their blood pressure checked, blood draw, and urine sample. Both boys did great and both were very proud to tell daddy they peed in a cup! Everything checked out fine with their urine and blood samples so Thursday they will both get ultrasounds done of their kidneys. Here's to hoping all continues to check out fine with them in that department.
After the Dr. we stopped at a park and played and then enjoyed McDonald's for lunch. They have been great boys and I am so enjoying being home with them.