So its been awhile since I have posted anything to the blog. Andrew is doing great. He is RUNNING all over the place and is such a funny kiddo. He truly makes life that much more enjoyable. He is starting to say some words. He says dada, mama (but most of the time I am dada too!!), all done, more, and hi. He motions, hi/bye, all done, stinky (ask John about this one,), more, blows kisses claps his hands and he can point to his nose, ears, tongue, and belly. Basically all the stuff he should be doing at 16 1/2 months. We are excited for him to talk more and be able to tell us what he wants, but then comes the talking back!!! He seems to already do that with his babbling!! Anyway, we hope everyone is having a great winter and staying warm.
The Haase's
Andrew helping daddy and Matt wire the basement
Andrew and Chloe riding the Harley
Andrew and Chloe sharing a snack
Andrew and Ayla had one rockin' New Years party!!
My hard hat from Santa
Kickin' back
First haircut